1. Strictly prepaid – an invoice in your preferred currency (Euro only) will be supplied after testing
and acceptance of this quote.
2. The Invoice amount that will be transferred should exclude all bank & correspondent bank
charges & commissions. Credits will be allocated based on the exact amount we receive in our account.
3. All prices are final prices without any other taxes or interconnection fees – we accept payments in
Euro. We are also accept credit card payments using http://www.paypal.com - please send
money using andrej@intensio.si as email – please quote your username in the reference
area so that we know which account to allocate credits to and update.
4. Price per SMS is based on the package you buy and it is valid for all countries according to the packege for the country you send the message.
5.. No setup fees, no monthly fees.
6. All routes quoted are subject to testing and confirmation of pricing and availability.
7. Prices quoted may change without notification as networks change pricing, open and block routes
at free will and at times do not notify us – we do however give all price advantages that we get
through to our customers.
8. You can connect to our gateway through SMPP or HTTP to submit your SMS with speeds of up
to 100sms/sec depending on the routes used. The use of our gateway is free of charge. We also
have a web interface with reseller facilities which could be used at no additional cost. Our wallet
system allows us to pass any discounts on a specific network on to the client as credits may be
deducted in monetary value versus credits.
9. As a general rule, before you send a huge bulk you need to check delivery to the networks you
want to send to in order to confirm that all routes are delivering. SMSC’s do not inform us when
routes are blocked and this will ensure safe delivery of your messages.
10. Please note that we will allocate credits on receipt of funds. Please allow 3-4 working days for
the banks to complete the transfers. We will provide all clients with invoices with the
banking details upon request for invoices.
11. There is no expiry on messages.
12. The following will apply should the route be blocked:
a. In case our SMS service is degraded in quality due to a discontinuation of a specific
route, we will have 10 working days at the maximum to find a similar new route of the
same quality and price.
b. If we are not able to find a new route with same pricing and features, we will propose you
the best available one. If you accept the new pricing we will convert current credit/s into
the monetary value and convert based on the new pricing.
c. If you do not accept the new route’s features or pricing, we will refund any non-used
amount, relevant to the problematic route only or move that amount to another country
that you will need so you can instantly use them. Please allow another 3 working days
for bank transfers as we have refunding agreements with our suppliers and require time
for funds to be credited to our account.
d. Point C applies only on routes that do not require signature of an anti-spam agreement.
If a client signed an anti-spam agreement and the route gets blocked due to spam sent
by the client, then no refunds will be made and credits will not be shifted to other routes
as the client will be in breach of the anti-spam agreement.
13. Also note that any route used where performance is measured by responses will work as follow:
Any message that pass through our server will be charged for regardless of delivery to handset
as we will be charged for the messages by the SMS-C. We hereby disclaim ourselves from
handset delivery as we have no control over handsets which may be out of range, stolen, wrong
numbers may be used or any other circumstance related to handsets which we have no control
over. It is up to the party sending the SMS to ensure that numbers are valid, handsets are
switched on and within range when sending the SMS. No refunds will be made on campaigns
should there be no handset owner response. It is up to the client to use hlrlookup to verify
numbers before sending campaigns. Please contact our sales team should you require such a